Tennis Ball for dogs

0.00 di 5 in base a 1 di valutazione del cliente
(1 recensione cliente )

2,87EUR€ IVA inclusa

Tennis Ball for dogs

COD: ANI1003


Game for dog with tennis ball

This game is perfect to forge a relationship between dog and owner, it can be in various ways to have fun with your four-legged friend! to pull, to bite or to throw the game.
The double ring in string will help the master to pull, in this way you will increase the level of fun to both.

The dogs love this typology of games in how much train their hunting instincts, moreover it is a training for the carryover
The rope is resistant and has a thickness of 1,5cm.

Diameter of a ring: 12 cm
Total length game: 27 cm
Ball diameter: 6 cm

Colors may vary.

Informazioni aggiuntive

Peso 0,36 kg

Recensione del cliente

Valutata 0.00 su 5 stelle
1 recensione
5 stelle 0 0 %
4 stelle 0 0 %
3 stelle 0 0 %
2 stelle 0 0 %
1 stella 0 0 %

1 recensione per Tennis Ball for dogs

  1. My problem with my dog is that he always want to eat the ball. My dog ​​loves to bite and gnaw and there are not many toys that can be eaten too.

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